Abhirama Sonny Programmer • Web Developer • AI Engineer

My Story

Professional Me

Hi! I am Abhirama Sonny, a 14-year-old high-school freshman at the Lowery Freshman Center. I have a strong interest in Computer Science, intending to major in Computer Science and ML in the future. I can write code in languages such as Python, Java, C, and JavaScript, I specialize in AI Engineering. I want to learn more about Software Engineering, Data Science, Machine Learning, and Web Development.
Scroll down to learn more about me.


Proficient in the languages frequently used for my projects.


Experienced in using tools for version control and code editing.

Extra Cirriculars and Clubs

ISEF Science Fair

Eagle Mentoring - Founder

Eagle Mentoring is a robotics mentoring club. This club gives AllenISD high-school students the opportunity to mentor the middle school VEX and BEST robotics teams. The club has been successful in teaching the students the robotics, programming, and design: as shown in the Ereckson VEX v5 and VEX IQ team's advancement to the state level for the first time in 2024 (the year the club started). We have also been successful in teaching the students the importance of teamwork, leadership, and communication. Our team is comprised of 30 high school mentors with various backgrounds in STEM and Robotics, and around 200 students spread across 3 schools.

center stage logo

FTC Robotics

I was a member of the Lowery Freshman Center's FTC Robotics team 12106 Vortex for the 2023-2024 CENTERSTAGE Season! I was the lead programmer and have been successful in programming the robot to perform various tasks both during the autonomous period and the driver control period. I have also been successful in teaching and demonstrating to the team the importance of teamwork, leadership, and communication.

Featured Projects

ISEF Science Fair

ISEF Science Fair

Developed software for the 2023-2024 ISEF Science Fair project - Identifying Guns with a Machine Learning Algorithm for Image Recognition and a Rapid Response System to Save Lives. Created an AI capable of identifying guns in videos, alerting authorities through SMS/MMS protocols, and notifying the public via alarms.

Code! Engineering Journal!


Created a programming language aimed at educating children about coding. The language has a simple syntax similar to English, making it accessible for beginners. An example program in Jaithon calculates the hypotenuse using trigonometry.

Check it out!

Chess Engine

Developed a Chess engine utilizing the Minimax algorithm and a predefined openings book to find the best move in a given position. The project, with a final depth of 5, required extensive hours of work and provides a smooth gaming experience.

Check it out!
Speech and Debate website UI

Speech and Debate

Designed a website for the school's Speech and Debate club in 2022, adapting a Bootstrap template to meet specific requirements. Independently coded a contact form, adding a personalized touch to the project.

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Kannada Numbers

Initiated my first ML project in 2020 - a neural network trained on the MNIST dataset for Kannada. Although now considered basic, at the time, the complexity of AI fascinated me.

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The A* Algorithm

A* Algorithm

Developed a project in 2020 utilizing the A* Algorithm, finding the shortest path in any given position. Coupled with a basic GUI, it serves as a playful application for finding the shortest path in a maze.

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